Looking for something Lovelace or North Shore Gardening related? Maybe we can help!
History of Lovelace Park:
Plants that can be found in our Pollinator Garden: https://www.prairiemoon.com
Found an injured bird? These people will help you: https://www.birdmonitors.net/InjuredBird.php
Here is a guide to choosing condition-appropriate native Illinois plants: 1-ILLINOIS-NATIVE-PLANTS-FOR-THE-HOME-LANDSCAPE
Suggested plants and layout for a pollinator garden: 2-POLLINATOR-GARDEN
These sites can be used as general guidelines for creating the kind of pollinator garden that will actually make a difference:
- https://www.gardenista.com/posts/native-pollinator-garden-crash-course/
- https://www.monarchgard.com/thedeepmiddle/creating-the-100ft-prairie-inspired-pollinator-garden
- This prairie restoration group based in Barrington has a searchable native plant database: https://nativeplants.citizensforconservation.org/
- A mail order midwestern native plant nursery that even has pre-planned gardens: https://www.prairienursery.com
- A native plant finder- enter your zipcode and find a list of what is truly native to your yard: https://www.nwf.org/NativePlantFinder/Plants
To find out about Rain Gardens, click here: 3-RAIN-GARDEN