In 2021, Friends of Lovelace expanded and maintained the Pollinator Garden, completed a much needed deep clean of the Little Kids Playground, and mulched many, many trees.
The playground for the littlest Lovelace visitors:
A massive number of weeds were removed and later picked up by the city. Three truckloads of wood chips were spread, including in the depressions beneath the big kids swings which will prevent puddles in those areas after rainfall. Time to play!
Volunteers worked hard on April 3rd, 10th, 15th, 27th, and May 2nd to protect and nourish our Lovelace trees. The trees and all the visitors who enjoy them are grateful!
9/20/20 The Lovelace Meadow thrives! Thanks to Sigrid’s never ending vigilance, the meadow remains unmowed and has become a host to a variety of new visitors to the park. Pollinators and wildlife abound!
9/19/20 Lovelace Friends shoveled, raked, and pulled a huge bag of weeds from the children’s sandbox area. Such a welcoming play area!
6/18/20 The beginning of the Lovelace Meadow project. Since this part of the park is unused for recreational purposes, it is ideal for creating a space that is closer to the natural prairie. The city has agreed to leave it unmowed, while Friends of Lovelace are working to seed the area with native prairie plants and install signs informing visitors of the value of this natural meadow.
6/6/20 We have a Native Plant Pollinator Garden!! THANK YOU volunteers!! And thank you to the Highland Park Garden Club that donated a flat of 38 plants and Leslie Shad from Natural Habitat Evanston who arranged for us to be the recipient.
On June 16th, the city provided 20 additional new pollinator plants for our garden which were promptly put in by our Friends of Lovelace volunteers.
6/4/20 Six volunteers cleaned up plant debris left from the pond flooding. Working to keep our park beautiful!
Mulching resumes!
Eleven neighbors reduced the big pile of mulch on May 30 and many trees say THANK YOU!
Fall of 2019 - The Beginning!
From Sigrid:
“Nine adults and one youngster volunteered a total of 34 hours spreading the huge piles of mulch the City dropped off at the north end of Lovelace Park. Thank you all who helped out - Barry, Christina, Catie, Christine, Nancy & John, Andy & CJ, Alan (and myself). As we finished yesterday, I saw the beautiful reflection of the tree in the puddle. Just as I started to take the picture, the geese walked to and through it - so enjoy.”
According to Stephen Walker with the City’s Public Works agency, 5 trucks at about 4 yards per truck of mulch were delivered. That’s a lot of mulch!
We hope everyone enjoys the new look. We know the trees will enjoy their healthier environment! Did you know that mulching trees doesn’t just protect tree roots from extreme temperatures all year round, it also conserves moisture, provides nutrients, and improves the soil, all of which make for happier trees.